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The obituary notice of Sheila Jennifer POWELL

Morriston (Treforys) | Published in: South Wales Evening Post. Notable areas: Ynystawe, Pontardawe, Swansea (Abertawe), Trebanos (Trebannws)

C. Meirion Hopkin & Son
C. Meirion Hopkin & Son
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Sheila JenniferPOWELLYn dawel, yn Ysbyty Treforys, ymadawodd Sheila â ni yn 78 oed ar Ragfyr 16.

Gwraig annwyl Robat, mam gariadus Brieg, Dyfan a Meilyr, mam-yng-nghyfraith ofalgar Shabnam, Catrin ac Anisha, a Mam-gu hoff Aara, Anoush, Eiry, Elai ac Aneirin.

Oedfa i ddiolch am fywyd Sheila yng Nghapel y Nant, Clydach, am 1.00 pm ar Ionawr 9fed, ac wedyn yn amlosgfa Treforys am 2.30.

Cyfraniadau, os dymunir, tuag at Alzheimer's Society trwy law C Meirion Hopkin a'i Fab, 96 High St., Clydach, SA6 5LN.

Peacefully, in Morriston Hospital, Sheila passed away aged 78 on 16 December. Cherished wife of Robat, loving mother of Brieg, Dyfan and Meilyr, caring mother-in-law of Shabnam, Catrin and Anisha, and devoted Mam-gu of Aara, Anoush, Eiry, Elai and Aneirin.

Service to give thanks for Sheila's life at Capel y Nant, Clydach, at 1.00 pm on 9 January, and then at Morriston Crematorium at 2.30.

Donations, if desired, to Alzheimer's Society through C Meirion Hopkin and Son, 96 High St., Clydach, SA6 5LN.

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Published: 03/01/2025
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